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Download C1000-148 Study Questions To Pass IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 Solution Architect

To pass the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 Solution Architect exam, candidates need to have a deep understanding of these topics and be able to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. Our C1000-148 study questions will help you develop a strong understanding of the exam’s content and format, giving you the confidence you need to tackle any question that comes your way. Our C1000-148 study questions will help you identify any knowledge gaps or weak areas in your exam preparation, so you can focus your study efforts on the areas that need improvement. By using our C1000-148 study questions, you will be fully prepared to pass the exam with flying colors and achieve your certification goals.

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1. Which component can be used to create coach user interfaces as part of the process design?

2. In Business Automation Studio, what is used as predefined starting point to create applications?

3. Which two functionalities are provided by Datacap?

4. Which step helps to check the completeness of license usage data?

5. Which Cloud Pak for Automation component needs to be installed to use the Business Automation Workflow recommendation service?

6. Which type of work is best associated with a Robotic Process Automation usage instead of a Digital Worker usage?

7. Which statement is true in order to configure Operational Decision Manager (ODM) with User Management Service (UMS)?

8. Which two of the following does FileNet Content Manager support for defining an object store?

9. Operational Decision Manager (ODM) for production can be configured with the User Management Service (UMS) using hardcoded roles.

Which statement is true regarding the users and groups that are used with the hardcoded roles?

10. What is the main component responsible for integration between Datacap and Business Automation Content Analyzer?



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