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Download SAFe-DevOps Study Questions To Pass SAFe 5 DevOps Practitioner (SDP)

To pass the SAFe 5 DevOps Practitioner (SDP) exam, candidates need to have a deep understanding of these topics and be able to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. Our SAFe-DevOps study questions will help you develop a strong understanding of the exam’s content and format, giving you the confidence you need to tackle any question that comes your way. Our SAFe-DevOps study questions will help you identify any knowledge gaps or weak areas in your exam preparation, so you can focus your study efforts on the areas that need improvement. By using our SAFe-DevOps study questions, you will be fully prepared to pass the exam with flying colors and achieve your certification goals.

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1. Which of the following are the characteristics of a DevOps professional?

2. How is Lean UX used in Continuous Exploration?

3. Who is responsible for ensuring quality is built into the code in SAFe?

4. Which DevOps practice provides fast, automated feedback on the production-readiness of systems?

5. The main focus of Business is on

6. Why is hypothesis evaluation important when analyzing data from monitoring systems in the Release on Demand aspect?

7. What is one of the PRIMARY benefits of Continuous Delivery?

8. Why is it important to take a structured approach to analyze problems in the delivery pipeline?

9. What is trunk-based development?

10. What identifies potential changes to the current-state Value Stream that could improve flow?



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